This morning during church, I noticed my sweet girl using sign language to worship as she sang praise to our God. It was a striking moment to see her young heart fully focused on God and being compelled into action. I thanked God for her and prayed to be more childlike in my worship of Him.
I pray that my children will walk with Jesus throughout their entire lives. I know that they may not all choose to follow Christ so while their little hearts are tender I will fill their ears with music, scripture and the love of Jesus. Some call this indoctrination, I call it the sincerest form of love.
Heavenly Father, Take hold of their little hearts while they are still yielded and tender. Show them your mercy, wrap them in your grace and shine your love on their tiny little faces. “For I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.” (3 John 1:4) Amen.
