Hey mama, don’t stop praying for that child of yours. The one that’s gone astray. The one that’s on the fence. The one that’s made a mess. Don’t stop praying for them.
I know your heart is heavy and your bones are weary…but don’t stop fighting. Your prayers are precious to God, they are more powerful than you know. Don’t stop praying.
Hey mama, don’t stop calling out to heaven. That child may not even care that you’re praying right now but that doesn’t mean you can stop. You may not have the strength to say much at all, but that’s okay, Jesus knows what you need.

I know you’ve been praying and you feel like God doesn’t hear you- that’s not true- it’s a lie from the enemy. God does hear you, he loves you.
Maybe all you know to say is ”help me, Jesus.” That’s enough for today. Maybe tomorrow you’ll be a little stronger.
That child you’re worried about, Jesus loves him, too.
So, mama, don’t stop praying. It’s the best thing you can do.
If you’re interested in a resource to help you pray more specifically for your children, you can pre-order “A Mama’s Prayer” from my website. https://www.sprinklesinmycloset.com/produ.../when-mama-prays
