Twice today my youngest one has gotten himself into trouble. He’s not typically much of a trouble maker so the second time I took notice that something wasn’t quite right.

I called him into my room. I could hear him starting to cry as he walked down the stairs, he was certain that he was going to be disciplined. I had gathered a few of his favorite books and when he made it to me, I pulled that little guy into my lap and started reading. His tears dried quickly as he settled into my arms. We read several books and sang a song together before I ever mentioned his behavior.
As I got ready to send him off to bed, I simply said “you made some bad choices, today, I want you to make good ones tomorrow.” He said “okay, mama,” and then he was out of my lap and headed to bed.
Tonight was a night for mercy and grace. I’ve been keeping a busier schedule lately and I sensed that his misbehavior could have been a reaction to that. So, I chose to spend time with him doing one of our favorite things instead of discipline tonight.
As I held my son, I remembered how God loves me. There are so many times I hear him say, “you made some bad choices today, I want you to make good ones tomorrow.” He’s heavy on mercy and generous with grace. And now I’m going to pretend I can climb up in his lap and I’ll read stories of his goodness and faithfulness before I fall asleep tonight.
*If you want to be more intentional about praying for your kids, check out my brand
new book, ”A Mama’s Prayer.” You can pre-order it now at